English Learning at HPSD
Supervisor: Dr. Susan Seiple sseiple@hanoverpublic.org, 717-637-9000, ext. 6016
District Spanish Interpreter/Translator: Mercedes Perez, 717-637-9000, ext. 2135
ESL Teachers:
Danielle Mathie TEAM LEADER(Hanover Street Elementary) dmathie@hanoverpublic.org
Amy Stratton (Clearview Elementary) astratton@hanoverpublic.org
Paige Shelleman (Washington Elementary) pshelleman@hanoverpublic.org
Paul Bradigan (Hanover Middle School) pbradigan@hanoverpublic.org
Courtney Guimaraes (Hanover High School) cguimaraes@hanoverpublic.org
Title III, Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students, Part A provides supplemental funds to schools to improve the education of LEP and immigrant children and youth, by assisting the children to learn English and meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards.
These funds may be used to supplement a wide array of educational services. The funds support activities that assist LEP students in developing English language proficiency in comprehension, listening, speaking, reading and writing, and in meeting the same challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards as all children are expected to meet. For example, the funds can be used for:
Teacher Professional Development
Supplemental Materials
Parent Involvement
Equitable Services to Non-Publics
Governing Policies and Access Requirements Identification of EL students
The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) requires that school districts identify limited English proficient (LEP) students in order to provide appropriate language instructional programs for them. Pennsylvania has selected the Home Language Survey as the method for the identification.
Schools have a responsibility under federal law to serve students who are limited English proficient and need ELD instruction in order to be successful in academic subjects. Given this responsibility, school districts have the right to ask for the information they need to identify these students. The HLS must be given to all students enrolled in the school district. The HLS is given one time and remains in the student’s permanent record file through the student’s graduation.
The HLS recommended by Pennsylvania is appropriate for all students as an initial identification tool. After completion of the HLS and identification of a student as a PHLOTE, additional questions that relate to language proficiency may be asked by the school district.
Based on the responses to the HLS, students will be assessed at their building by an ESL teacher. New students who responded to the HLS in a language other than English must be referred to the ESL teacher for further review, analysis of background information and administering of the Wida Screener language proficiency assessment.
The ESL teacher sends out a parent notification letter of ELD services to the student’s parents. A copy of the parent notification letter must be maintained in the student’s EL folder. Under Title I and Title III, parent notification of student assessment results and placement is required.
Testing requirements for EL students:
Are EL students required to take the PSSA?
In 2007, the U.S. Department of Education released guidance on participation of LEP students (ELs) in state assessments. This flexibility allows EL students in their first 12 months of enrollment in U.S. schools an option of taking the reading PSSA. A student’s enrollment in a school in Puerto Rico is not to be considered as enrollment in a U.S. school.
Those EL students who fall into the first category (EL and enrolled in a U.S. school after April 11), are considered to be in their first year in a U.S. school and are not required to take the PSSA ELA test. All EL students are required to participate in the mathematics PSSA and the science PSSA, with accommodations as appropriate. All EL students in grades K-12 are required to take the WIDA ACCESS for ELs English Proficiency Test.
The mathematics PSSA scores of EL students in their first year of enrollment in U.S. schools as defined above will not be used to determine performance (the percent proficient or higher) for federal accountability status. Their participation will be counted for federal accountability purposes.
Should first-year EL students choose to participate in the ELA PSSA assessment, their performance will not be included but their participation will be counted for federal accountability purposes. Should they choose not to participate, their lack of participation will not count against the school or district. Students who are expected to reclassify from ELD services in the current school year should be encouraged to take the ELA PSSA.
Are EL students required to take the Keystone Exams?
Yes. Following the previously discussed exceptions as outlined, eligible ELs will take the Keystone Exams for federal accountability purposes beginning in 2012-2013 and as a graduation requirement effective with the class of 2023. The same subject area participation guidelines outlined in the previous question for the ELA, mathematics and science PSSA tests are applied to the Keystone literature, biology and algebra I exams.
What accommodations are allowable for ELs?
Three separate accommodations are allowed:
Word-to word translation dictionaries, without definitions and without pictures for mathematics PSSA, Keystone algebra I and the science PSSA or Keystone biology only; not for any part of the ELA PSSA or Keystone literature exam.
Qualified interpreters/sight translators for mathematics PSSA or Keystone algebra I and science PSSA or Keystone biology only; not for any part of the ELA PSSA test (except for the writing prompts of the ELA PSSA writing section) or Keystone literature exam.
Spanish/English mathematics and science PSSA and Keystone algebra I and biology exams.
All of these accommodations are voluntary and not mandatory. Relationship with Parents
The parents of English language learners play an important role in their child’s program and should be involved in all phases of the EL program. Parents have the right to information about their roles, responsibilities and rights. Their participation in interviews, reporting on developmental and educational histories and the process of language acquisition is invaluable. Parents provide information that can form a framework for understanding the student and interpreting the data. Trust and respect are the cornerstones of any good relationship between parents and school professionals. Staff becoming familiar with traditions from other cultures helps to establish a sense of trust and cooperation between the school and home.
Our Interpreter outreach worker, Mercedes Pughto, (717-637-9000, ext 2135) provides:
Information and referral for community services
Translation and interpretation
Parent workshops(English/Spanish)
Community presentations in Spanish
Liaison between parent, teacher and school