###Report Cards###
Report cards are issued at the end of each quarter (nine weeks period) to each student in grades 1-12. Kindergarten students receive their report cards twice a year at each semester’s end. The report card is intended to give parents an indication of the progress their child is making. Therefore, parents should review and discuss the report card with their child. Should concerns arise, parents are always welcome to schedule an appointment with the child’s teacher, guidance counselor, or principal. Please do your part to help our teachers help your child. Education is a cooperative effort in which we must all take an active part.
###Mid-Term Progress Reports###
Five weeks after the start of a new marking period, mid-term progress reports may be sent to the parents of students. While these notices sometimes warn that a student is in danger of failing a particular subject, or they may notify parents that the student is not working up to par, they may indicate positive student achievement, also. The district hopes that parents who receive negative mid-term progress reports will work with their children to help them to do better in school.
Honor Roll
High School
First Honors
- Maintain a 90% average or higher
- No more than one grade below an 80%
- No grade less than 70%
- A passing grade (P, S, Numerical) on the culminating project requirement beginning with the 1st semester of the junior year
Second Honors
- Maintain an 80% average or higher
- No more than two grades below an 80%
- No grades less than 70%
- Passing grade (P) on the culminating project requirement beginning with the 1st semester of the junior year
Middle School
The H.M.S. honor roll is known as the “Principal’s List”. To be eligible, the students must achieve the following marks: * Top Honors–The student must have a 92 per cent average in the five basic subjects. There may not be any “U” grades or percentages below 65 percent in the other subjects. * Second Honors–The student must have an 83 percent average in the five basic subjects. There may not be any “U” grades or percentages below 65 percent in the other subjects.
Academic Awards
Students in grades 7-12 who distinguish them selves academically by making the higher honor roll in three out of the four periods (which include the last marking period of the previous year and the first three marking periods of the current year) are eligible for Academic Honors Awards. A combined middle school and high school honors ceremony is held in the high school auditorium for all eligible students. Students receive a plaque for outstanding academic performance.