HHS is committed to offering students a safe and welcoming environment in which to learn. In order to nurture a positive culture at HHS, we will be offering students a special FLEX period on April 20 at 10:00 AM. During this FLEX period, students will be allowed to choose among a variety of special activities planned by the teachers throughout the building. The nature of these activities is to continue to build camaraderie, fun, and a sense of belonging.

During this FLEX period, some of our students may choose to participate in a vigil to honor those students who lost their lives in the tragedy at the Parkland, Florida school. In order to ensure the safety and security of all participants, the attached letter is provided to all parents with the guidelines by which students choosing to participate are required to abide.

Please review these guidelines with your child prior to April 20. We are committed to maintaining the students’ safety during this vigil, therefore failure to abide by the safety measure put in place may result in disciplinary consequences. Students who prefer not to participate in the vigil will have a variety of other activities to choose from, so there is no obligation to participate. Feel free to contact the High School office if you have any questions.
