Collaboration, Not a Lost Skill at Washington One of the greatest skills for children to learn early on in the educational year is Collaboration, Not A Lost Skill at Washington - - - One of the greatest skills for children to learn early on in the educational year is Collaboration. This skill requires children to listen, form opinions, and begin to explore creative play while learning. According to (Bantz, 2012) children need to learn the artful practice of working with each other in various school settings including the classroom, playground, and social settings throughout the school day. Skills learned now at a young age will help benefit many learning skills in the future and will certainly make the child enjoy their day at school.

At Washington one of the first skills each year we begin to work on is collaboration. In this picture we have two children in 3rd grade working together to find the mean in a mathematical problem. They stated they like working together and often find comfort in making sure they have the correct answer. They also stated they like working with various people in the classroom. These are true sentiments that our future is built on a very collaborative culture eager to work together in a productive and meaningful way.