Hanover High School &
Eichelberger High School Orchestras

Click on thumbnails  for view full-size version.


The majority of photographs in this section have been contributed by Bert Elsner and Glendon Markle. The years posted are the ending date for the school year.

1921 Orchestra - see names
and text from Nornir
1925 Orchestra - Nornir
Miss Helen Landgraff, conductor
1926 Orchestra
Miss Margaret Morning, conductor
1927 Orchestra
Miss Margaret Morning, conductor
1928 Orchestra
Miss Margaret Morning, conductor
1929 Orchestra
Miss Margaret Morning, conductor Nornir text
1930 Orchestra
H. C. Stenger, conductor
from Nornir
1933 Eichelberger High School Orchestra [Nornir] with names 1934 High School Orchestra [Nornir]
1935 Eichelberger High School Orchestra [Nornir] with names 1936 High School Orchestra [Nornir] Mr. Ernest R. Boucher, Director
1936 Orchestra
Eichelberger High School Orchestra 1937 [Nornir]
High School Orchestra 1938 [Nornir]
High School Orchestra 1939 [Nornir] High School Orchestra 1940 [Nornir]
High School Orchestra 1941 [Nornir]
High School Orchestra 1942 [Nornir]
High School Orchestra 1944 [Nornir] High School Orchestra 1943 [Nornir]
Elementary Orchestra
1951 [be]
Combined Orchestra
1952 [be]
Combined Orchestras
1953 [gm]
Combined Orchestras
1954 [gm]
Junior High Orchestra 1954  [be] High School Orchestra 1955 [Nornir]
names found in the 1955 Nornir
Combined Orchestra - 1956 [Nornir] 1957 High School Orchestra [Nornir]
1958 High School Orchestra [Nornir]
High School Orchestra
1963 [Nornir]
High School Orchestra
1963 [Nornir]





1921 Hanover High School Orchestra
Leader Edna Senft
click here for larger picture    text from the 1921 Nornir below

First Violin - PAUL SPILLMAN

Second Violin - MYRL CRAWFORD

Saxophone  - LEROY NACE

Mandolin Banjo -  RICHARD STOVER








Text from 1921 Nornir

THE musical talent of the H. H. S. is unsurpassed by any institution in town. On all occasions when school spirit was to lie shown, it was mingled with the strains of a band, scarcely excelled by Sousa's. At soccer panics the contest was opened by a parade of students led by Hollinger's band, which made such a noise that it drowned the voices of the rooters. Cornets and other instruments, Elided by "Bill's" vigorous drumming, inspired the players and urged them on to do their best.

The High School orchestra under the leadership of Mr. Gantt furnished music for our exercises at Chapel and provided snappy tunes to help the eager (?) students up the stairs and to the various classrooms. Spillman's playing was marvelous. "Dutch" set the time and took the lead and the others followed—if they could. Spangler's cornet ran a close second and Miss Bair's handling of the unwieldy trombone proved her skill. At times Stover added to the harmony with a banjo-mandolin, and the second violin part was carried by Crawford. On the whole they provided an impetus that was felt in all recitation rooms, and blue were the days that they failed to appear.

And then the Glee Club. Never before had the Hanover High heard such a chorus. Their selections were most ably rendered, and afforded much pleasure to the student body. "Polly" Pitts, perhaps the only one of us possessing real vocal talent; delighted all present by her singing on many occasions. We expect to hear some day that she has become famous. The male chorus' rendition of "The Bull Dog" on one occasion showed their skill as vocalists and was greatly appreciated. The solos by Margaret Morning and Margaret Witmer were always pleasing.

And last but not least! Spillman's Jazz Band, How much "vim and pep" they displayed at the dances after the basketball games. Their melodious strains made even those who did not dance move their feet and keep time. Many couples glided over the gym floor in perfect rhythm, infused with the spirit of the "Jazz Band".

On the whole the musical talent of the school is well-developed, and an unusual number of students are able to play! Many of (hem are certain to become well-known outside of our town, and we shall feel highly honored to remember that they were once members of the Hanover High School.









1938 Eichelberger High School Orchestra
Director: E. R. Boucher
click here for larger picture    text from the 1938 Nornir below

First Row: D. Toomey, M. Barnes, E. Sell, B. Wineka, G. Albright, R. Luckenbaugh.

Second Row: H. Stambaugh, I. Hostetter, E. Gobrecht, G. Harmon, H. Jackson, F. Swisher, C. Trump.

Third Row: S. Weeks, K. Gobrecht, G. Forney, P. Winebrenner, C. Fuhrman, R. Burns, E. Diehl, A. Herr. J. Arentz, S. Hartman- I. Hamm, R. Myers, M. Thomas, R. Bish.

Fourth Row: P. Yingling, H. Fissel, D. Staley, G. Naill, Mr. E. R. Boucher.








Text from 1929 Nornir

The High School orchestra has enjoyed a more successful season during the year 1929, than in any previous year. Under Miss Morning’s careful guidance and untiring efforts, the orchestra has endeavored to do its best. Rehearsals were held every Monday, during the extra-curricular period and on the whole, were well attended. The members responded willingly when called upon to produce music in chapel or in literary society. With such co-operation, perseverance, and spirit as the members have shown, we see a brilliant and successful future for the orchestra.

First violins: Mildred Markle, Emeline Bowman, Florence Flickinger, Blanche Michael, Pearl Heagy, Richard Klunk, Jane Richstein, Blanche Markle. Piano: Miss Doris Baker. Saxophones: Leroy Stokes, Harriett Blair, Edgar Phreaner. Trumpets: Richard Feeser, Roy Stonesifer. Trombone: Richard Heindel. Bass: Robert Garvick. Clarinets: Raymond Zepp, Wilson Swartz. Traps: Richard Willet.