Missing Flags from Series

Date: 2005

Some collection identification numbers are skipped. Mr. Clausen's daughter, Carolyn Clausen Harrell, does not believe that her father constructed the flags in chronological order. She could find no evidence of a research model when reconstructing his notes.

Mr. Clausen had hoped to have the collection complete by the Bicentennial in 1976. Unfortunately he passed away in 1972 before the project was finished.

Carolyn Clausen Harrell married and lives in Long Island, New York with her husband Jerry. She raised three children and enjoys grand mothering. She is responsible for making sense of the collection and creating this serial presentation which is taken from work that she completed in the 1980s and 1990s. The collection now resides with the Hanover Area Historical Society and this web site is a collaboration between the Society and the Hanover Public School District.

The entire collection is scheduled to be displayed in the summer of 2005 at or near the Historical Society’s Headquarters, the Neas House.