Early American Flags

Heraldry is as old as the human race.

Some years ago in northern India, Sir John Marshall, head of the archeological service of the government of India, discovered two abandoned cities; one at a site now called Mohenjo-Daro, the other at Harappa. These cities are believed to have thrived about 3,500 B. C. and were in close contact with the earliest civilizations of Babylonia. Among the objects found in the former city was a seal, used to sign documents, showing a procession of seven men carrying square standards, held aloft on poles like modern flags. These ancient "flags" were not made of cloth but were rigid solids, like boards.

Far back in American history, the Vikings carried a flag which bore a black raven on a field of white.

Then in 1492 Columbus sailed to our shores, and his three small ships displayed the Spanish flag bearing two red lions on two white fields and two yellow castles on two red fields.