U.S. 34 Stars
The Lincoln Flag

Date: 1861 - Civil War

Description of Clausen Flag: Thirteen red and white stripes. Stars arranged in two circles and with four corner stars and a center stars. [E18]

A version call "The Lincoln Flag" has 34 stars arranged in uneven rows. Lincoln raised it over Independence Hall on George Washington's Birthday. It was a statement that the Nation created at this spot 45 years earlier would be preserved.

Abraham Lincoln's train stopped at Hanover on the way to Gettysburg when Mr. Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg address. The citizens of Hanover hurried to the Western Maryland train station to see the President. He did not plan to address the crowd that had gathered, but the Rev. M. Y. Alleman, a Lutheran pastor, called "Father Abraham, come out! Your children want to hear you." President Lincoln came out, removing his tall hat as he passed through the door of the train car. He spoke a few minutes while the engine took on water.

Read more about Lincoln's visit to Hanover in the Barbara Chronister section of this archive.

On June 30, 1863, ten thousand men fought in the Battle of Hanover. General Judson Kilpatrick and General George Custer lead the North. General J. E. B. Stuart and General Fitzhugh Lee led the South. The Union troops won the battle. In the Square, are four tiny golden horseshoes in the sidewalk to remind us that General Custer tied his horse to a tree which stood there at the time.

Read more about the Battle of Hanover in the Barbara Chronister Collection and the General District section.

Read more about Center Square.